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Apply for MBBS in Georgia for 2019 with DTMU

Apply for MBBS in Georgia for 2019 with DTMU

MBBS in Georgia

As a student gets closer to board exams, the stress levels start rising, especially for the parents of the student; more so if it is a student who wishes to pursue medicine. Parents go through a lot of anxiety, as there are a very limited number of seats for MBBS in the country. Usually, the trend is to first appear for NEET exams, and wait till the results are announced. Once the candidates gets a fair idea that admission in the govt. colleges in India is not possible, only then do they start looking for options for MBBS abroad. There are various options available to choose from, including Russia, China, Ukraine Philippines etc, however the most popular is MBBS in Georgia these days. They choose Georgia because it is a much safer country compared to the countries mentioned above.

Often they are able to choose the country that they wish to study in, however, it is at this stage that the real stress begins. As the students and parents go about looking for options for MBBS in Georgia, they browse dozens of websites, talk to university representatives and agents, and all this makes them even more confused.

Everyone claims that the university that they are working for is the best or most cost-effective safe etc. All this is very stressful and it confuses them even more.

How can every university be the best one?

There are ways of finding out which university is good for education.

MCI Eligibility Test Results

More than 80% MBBS abroad or MBBS in Georgia students fail the MCI Eligibility Test upon return to India!

Which proves that not all universities are worth going to. The main point one should focus on is how a student of that university performs at the MCI Eligibility Test on returning to India.

This is one aspect the candidates do not get any clarity about from agents in India. They are given all kinds of confusing information about it, and often the topic is deviated away from this question. The reason is that students from most universities and colleges abroad and also from Georgia do not perform well at this exam.

A candidate should do thorough research about it. Upon doing it most candidates who are aware of how to go about doing research will find that there is only one university in Georgia that has a hundred percent pass record at the MCI Eligibility test – And that is DTMU, David Tvildiani Medical University.

Hostel Facility

Most students and their parents like to know about the hostel facilities; if the college has a hostel.

Every consultant, of every university that is offering MBBS in Georgia informs that the university has a hostel. It is a blatant lie!

DTMU, Rustavi campus is the only university in the whole of Georgia that has its own hostel and mess that is run by the university management itself. The hostel has separate wings for boys and girls and is located within the campus. This was done keeping in mind that no student should have to travel and waste time to reach the University for Studies. The campus has a well equipped library, laundry, sports facility and mess.

For admissions contact 8411-977-377. Email dtmuindia@gmail.com

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